Patrick Swayze Dies of Pancreatic Cancer Mark RamelSeptember 14, 2009patrick swayze dies of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic cancer, patrick swazye
This just in: Kim Jong Il has pancreatic cancer Mark RamelJuly 13, 2009pancreatic cancer, kim jong il
From a special guest blogger: "Father's Day Without Dad" Mark RamelJune 20, 2009cathy beuti, father's day, father daughter relationships, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, breastless in the city
Thinking back: How to deal with finding out your parent has cancer Mark RamelJanuary 19, 2009cancer, pancreatic cancer, affordable therapy, seeing a therapist, cancer diagnosis, mom cancer, parent cancer
Did you see Patrick Swayze on Barbara Walters? Mark RamelJanuary 7, 200920/20, pancreatic cancer, patrick swayze, barbara walters
From a special guest blogger: "I miss buying my mom Hanukkah presents!" Mark RamelDecember 18, 2008michelle hersh, barbara hersh, holidays, pancreatic cancer, mom
5 things you may not know about pancreatic cancer Mark RamelNovember 20, 2008cancer facts, cancer, pancreatic cancer, patrick swayze, luciano pavarotti, cancer stats, randy pausch
What is Sally's Circle? Mark RamelNovember 9, 2008cancer, pancreatic cancer, sally, marisa bardach, the falsies