Tell me about you!

March officially marks the highest traffic month of Sally’s Circle, so I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being so supportive and encouraging during the past 31 days. From the birth of a new mommy to making big decisions to my (finally!) completed book proposal, it’s been a long but productive month. I couldn’t have done it without you.

I especially want to thank the majority of you who breeze in and out of the blog in ghost-like fashion, with no trace of ever having been here. You might be silent, but your mere presence means the world to me.

To celebrate this month’s success, I want to play a little game. I always blab so much about my life – now I want to know a little about yours. Please leave a comment (you can choose “Anonymous” if you’d like to remain private) and tell me one thing about yourself. It could be anything: how you’re feeling today, the name of a loved one you’ve lost or miss or are praying for, why you come to Sally’s Circle, etc. I’m excited to get to know you better.