Book Update: I finally finished my book proposal!
Well, you can’t see it, but I’m smiling a tired and satisfied smile. It’s 1:19AM on St. Patty’s Day, and I just finished my book proposal. Big sigh of relief.
It’s 62 pages long. Of course, two-thirds of that is sample chapters, but still. It’s by far the longest Word doc I’ve ever been required to create. All my college papers were 1-20 pages long, and the majority were 1-3. After all, I was being trained to write magazine articles, not novels. That used to be a joke, but now it’s serious. I’m writing a novel. Sometimes I still need to take a step back and say “Whoa.”
But don’t worry. There’s motivation behind my madness. Remember that “big important meeting” that got canceled two weeks ago? It’s rescheduled for Wednesday – as in tomorrow. This could be a big step in finding a publisher… or it could be a total flop. Only Wednesday will tell.
Wish me luck – not for the actual meeting, but cross your fingers for me that it doesn’t get canceled again! At this point I’m done with nerves. I’m so ready to get this baby started!