A quick Sunday night update

Hi there. I hope you had a nice weekend! I got to spend lots of time with my best friend Laura. My favorite part was taking a 10-mile bike ride on the boardwalk, overlooking the beach. What a view! And, of course, great chatting along the way.

I’ve been feeling a bit guilty because I told you all about my BIG MEETING for my book, and then I never gave you an update on how it went! Well, it went really well. The woman I met with was very supportive about my book idea, and she suggested a few other people I should talk to within the publishing company. So, as of last Wednesday, my 62-page book proposal is in the hands of three people – and I’m waiting to hear back from them.

As I’ve said before, and as Tom Petty said in a song way before me, “the waiting is the hardest part. ” To help my nerves, I’ve been trying to amp up my exercise routine. I ran 2 ½ miles today (a big milestone for me, since I usually only run 2 miles and I’m really trying to break that plateau). Maybe I’ll even try that “Boot Camp” class again at my gym this week; after all, nothing’s more distracting than painful lunges!

I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything about the book. ‘Til then, I’ll keep ya updated on all the other stuff going on.


P.S. Were you as devastated as I was about Natasha Richardson’s sudden death? My heart goes out to her two teenage sons. I hope they find support through this sadness.